Minister of Youth, Sport and Arts Elvis Nkandu has described as ‘regrettable’ the physical confrontation that almost happened at Football House yesterday when football administrator Pivoty Simwanza attempted to charge at FAZ president Andrew Kamanga.
Simwanza, whose vice president bid was unsuccessful, is alleged to have wanted to attack Kamanga at Football House when he pitched up to pick his letter from the appeals committee.
In responding to a question in parliament yesterday, Nkandu said such a report is regrettable.
“Otherwise, that is regrettable. And obviously, we are going to look into that issue through the National Sports Council of Zambia, which manages sport in the country. So I want to say that for every federation, as I indicated, we should abide by our own rules,” Nkandu said.
Meanwhile, Nkandu said the state has allowed FAZ to proceed with staging the election on March 29 as opposed to the earlier directive of February 28.
“Considering the impracticality of holding elections by 28th February 2025 [today] in accordance with the FAZ constitution and as guided by the attorney general, the National Sports Council of Zambia will allow FAZ to hold the elections on 29th March 2025 in order to provide sufficient time to adequately prepare for the election.
“However, beyond February 28, 2025, after the expiration of the tenure of the current executive committee, the National Sports Council of Zambia and the FAZ secretariat will work together to prepare for the elections,” Nkandu said.
READ MORE: FAZ Appeals Committee Overturns Kamanga’s Re-election, Clears Path for Four Others in Race