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FIFA President Gianni Infantino explains that the decision to begin the tournament in South America is so as to commemorate 100 years of the biggest sporting event on the globe.“The FIFA Council, representing the entire world of football, unanimously agreed to celebrate the centenary of the FIFA World Cup, whose first edition was played in Uruguay in 1930, in the most appropriate way.“In 2030, we will have a unique global footprint, three continents – Africa, Europe and South America – six countries – Argentina, Morocco, Paraguay, Portugal, Spain and Uruguay – welcoming and uniting the world while celebrating together the beautiful game, the centenary and the Fifa World Cup.”FIFA explains why the 2030 World Cup will be played across three continents
FIFA President Gianni Infantino has explained why the 2030 FIFA World Cup will be held in six countries across three continents.
Since South Africa in 2010, Morocco is set to become the second African nation to host the FIFA Men’s World Cup in 2030.This follows FIFA’s decision after handing the hosting rights to Morocco as co-hosts alongside Spain and Portugal.During a ceremony held at the FIFA Headquarters in Zurich, FIFA also announced that it would be the first-ever World Cup that will be held in three continents, namely Africa, Europe, and South America.Uruguay, Paraguay, and Argentina are the other three countries that will host the first three matches of the 2030 FIFA World Cup.
Bernard Chisha Nkweto Jr. is a Zambian journalist, football writer, and sports presenter. He interned at Zambia National Broadcaster (ZNBC TV 1), where he covered sports for the main news and hosted TV shows. He currently works as a reporter for BolaNews.